Topic: Maps
Writing Practice

  Exercise 1

Find the subject and the verb for the following sentences.  Check your answers once you are done.  Be sure to read the explanation carefully if there are differences between your answers and the unit's answers.

For more information on subjects and verbs, go to the the Subjects and Verbs Writing Mentor in your Contents Page.  

1.  Very old maps are not very accurate.

2.  A compass rose indicates directions on a map.

3.  At times, you may draw a simple map for a friend.

4.  A scale gives a map user a rough estimate of the distance between one place and another.

5.  Map making is computerized nowadays.

6.  Giving directions is much less helpful than drawing a map.

7.  Geography is the study of our natural environment.


8.  A shallow river is not navigable.

9.  Some compass roses are works of art.

10. To keep up with a city's growth, city maps are updated regularly.



Exercise 2

Add commas after the introductory words in these sentences.

For more information on introductory works, go to the Introductory Words Writing Mentor in your Contents Page.


1.  During colonial times many maps failed to indicate distances accurately.

2.  In the present most maps are computer generated.

3.  While working on a hand-drawn map you may want to include landmarks.

4.  In order to get a quick estimate of distances you can use a thin piece of string and the map's scale.

5.  However that kind of quick estimate will not be very accurate.

6.  At present many maps can be created and viewed on a computer screen.



Exercise 3

The following paragraph needs commas after introductory word groups. 

For more information on Introductory Words, go to the Introductory Words Writing Mentor in your Contents Page.

Amazingly America was named for an Italian map maker. After exploring South America's coastline Amerigo Vespucci stated that a new continent had been discovered. Until that time everybody thought Columbus had sailed to Eastern Asia, then called the East Indies. To avoid confusion the New World was later called the West Indies




Old Map