READING PRACTICE: American Colonies

RETURN TO: American Colonies Passage


Answer the questions in the boxes provided. (NOTE: To move from one line to another, use the tab key or click in the next line.)

1. What is a colony?


2. When was Jamestown founded?

3. What did people in the northern colonies want?

4. What did people in the southern colonies want?

5. What is an indentured servant?

6. Is an indentured servant a slave?  Why or why not?

7. After 1680, who were the workers for the southern plantations?

8. What is a tax?

9. Why do you think citizens have to pay taxes?

10. What do you think people get for their tax money?


Vocabulary Practice

Fill in the blanks in the sentences with one of the following words.

Colonies      lasting          settlement     indentured     revolution

 taxes          servants        plantations    compact        slave

  1. The American               belonged to England.

  2. When people start a new community in a new place, it is called a                   .

  3. An agreement is another word for a               .

  4. Permanent is another word for              

  5. The colonists were not happy about paying high               .

  6. At first, southern plantations used               servants as laborers.

  7.  Poor people didn’t have the money to come to America, so they became indentured               .

  8. A               is a person who belongs to another person.

  9. The southern colonies had very large farms called  .

  10. Replacing one government with another by force is called a  .