WRITING PRACTICE - Occupational Interests


When you finish, print, sign, and date this page, and place it in your folder for your instructor.

A. Respond to each item in the boxes provided.

1.  Write a few words about (summarize) what people with investigative interests like to do.

2. Why is it important to know what you like to do?

3. What happens to people when they work in occupations that they don't like?

4. List a few occupations that might attract people with realistic interest.

5. Write a few sentences describing what activities you like
to do and what occupations would require your skills.

B- Find a few similarities in how the sentences below are punctuated. Look at the punctuation Do you notice the commas?

  1. Everyone must be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

  2. Accountants need to add, subtract, multiply, and divide to keep track of money.

  3. Some people like to play with space, forms, designs, and patterns.

  4. Some people like to work  with plants, animals, and things like wood, tools, and machinery.

  5. Some people prefer to communicate with people more than to work with objects, machines, or information.

  6. Some people like to teach, to give advice, and to help.

Check out some writing help with commas in a series.

C- Rewrite the paragraph below with correct punctuation. When you finish, check your corrections and go through the exercises in your Writing Mentor.

people with Social interests like help and work with others.they like to encourage learning and personal development, they prefer to communicate with people more than to work with objects machines or information. They like to teach to give advice and to help, they solve problems by talking about them until they can "see or feel" a solution

CLICK HERE to check your corrections

Click the projector to watch a tutorial on how to punctuate this paragraph.

Print, Sign, and date this page, and place it in your folder for your instructor.