When a word will
not fit at the end of a line of writing, it is possible to divide it
if it has two or more syllables. For example, the word
education has four syllables: ed u ca
tion. The division of the word at the end of a line, below, would
be one correct division.
Divide the
following words into syllables. Separate each syllable with a space
or hyphen (-), using the boxes below.
educa - tion
Go to the Writing Mentor if you need more help with the
3. management
5. minimum
7. someone
9. payment
2. lender
6. money
8. borrower
10. history
Writing Assignment
After doing the
problems on percent and interest, write a composition that includes
the following:
1) explain
the problems someone would have getting out of debt if he/she
carried high credit card balances and was paying interest on several
loans and
2) suggest some things that that person could do to get
him/herself out of debt.
Go to the Writing
Mentor for help with writing a problem/solution composition.
When you finish your writing, print, sign and date
your work and place it in your portfolio for your facilitator.